
Archive for the ‘My poems – english’ Category

Dark angel



Shade lives and breathes, and dies within
the silence torn apart by me.
To it gray hues are colors,
defies each god and goddess.

Dark angel guards me, loves me,
faceless people through its eyes…
In games of shadows Shade involves me,
doesn’t taint me – makes me matchless.

Devours all the light within,
at night by me subsides unseen.
Asleep, as a drying river minutes flow,
„Take my hand – it says – and come…“

and both we wandered restless
in mist-illusion, blindly walking,
for sparkles searching breathless,
fettered in the vault of night.

As if  flashes glitter into space
dying lifeless into pitchy darkness.
Fireflies – they lead in desolation!
I’m born again in morn, not faceless…

But not alone! I am complete
when walking down alone the street
a mournful shadow walks and whispers:
„Remain alive, but die with reason!“

Категории:My poems - english